Thursday, October 9, 2008

October's bright blue weather...Not

"Did somebody call me? Did a new shipment of kitty treats come in from the UPS guy? What do you mean, who was climbing the drapes and left holes and slits in the drapes? It couldn't have been me, I am on a diet and couldn't have done that. Are you sure the UPS guy hasn't brought the treats, uh, you ordered online?"

My doctor's visit was mostly good yesterday. Most notably that my BP was down to 110/75. I best it hasn't been that good since I was about 12 years old.

I started over to visit Dad on Tues, but got a little dizzy and came back home. Then yesterday, I had the doc look in my ear and he gave me some drops, said there was some congestion gathering there. Guess that explains the loopy feeling.

I went on over and visited him this morning. It was such a good visit. We walked to the lobby and he played beach ball toss for about 20 minutes with the other residents. Then he did some reciting for me. I start something he knows and most of the time he can finish it. Sometimes it isn't exact, but he can follow it through. Anything from the 23rd Psalm to Hickory Dickory Dock to the Preamble of the Constitution. I think it is just a little mental exercise for him and gives us something to talk about. I do it more when he is more talkative. He just doesn't want to do it when he isn't feeling good or is tired. Sometimes I start a song and he sings it...

I am working for my daughter in law tomorrow. She has a good schedule and I think I can keep up. ha!
I am doing some work for the office, but I can do it here at home, so that works for me.

That's all, I guess.

1 comment:

Candace said...

Cute kitty cat there! We'll settle for the bright blues being his eyes.
Hope work went well. See you this weekend...!