Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Hello from this world

I have had a very busy few days. Most notably of the things I have done: Chorale at the Peace Center on Saturday night, visiting Dad and doing some things for him, luncheon with the retired teachers, cooking???, pillaging and plundering.
william is in the Chorale, so I attended the first performance of "Americana" music on Saturday. Very nice and I can hardly wait for Handel's "Messiah" in December.
Dad has broken a lens in his eyeglasses and it is proving difficult to get a replacement since he really doesn't need them to see, but I am working on a solution.
Our lunch group was a bit small yesterday, but that happens sometimes. Marie, the group leader and arranger, was out of town this week, so I feel sure that was the reason the group was so small.
I have been cooking some. The colder the weather, the more I like to cook. Last night I made porkchops with tomato sauce and rice. Nice! It wasn't exactly my mother's recipe, but it was acceptable.I have made my 'slmost famous' asparagus dip for Disciples tonight. It will be good since I take it while it is still warm.
Finally, I have been playing some kind of pirate game...fun, but time consuming.So, what is up in your world lately.

1 comment:

Candace said...

Halloween shenanigans is what's going on here. The Mad Hatters Tea Party. But work is crazy busy. Doing up cards... one of a kind eyecandy stuff. Read your email re: those glasses!