Thursday, September 25, 2008

Whatever you choose to be.....

This is a puppy. I know, it looks like a panda, but it is a dog. Someone sent this shot to me.

Been working hard and doing stuff before and after work. I have only worked a few hours at a time this week, except Monday when I subbed....but these hours are dog hours...about 7 hours for each real time hour. Yesterday we framed about 14 certificates in floating glass frames....very hard and tedious work.Then today we packed them to ship them all over the US and Great Britain. They were not easy to pack, either. We finished them all on time, though, and they were taken to the post office. I told L the reason we had so much trouble with the framing and packing was having to think with the right side of the brain and we weren't used to using it. Tomorrow we pack another big CBT pack to go out by the end of the day. Takes time to check everything, etc, but we will get it done. In the meantime, L. has to do the other book work and stuff. She helps with her good hand and arm. Luckily,well, not really, her left arm was the one broken. She was going back to the doc. today and hoping to get to drive some before too long.

I visited Dad after work today. He was in fairly good spirits. We sang, recited some things, asked some riddles and such. I was pleased that he was at least pretending to watch tv when I got there this afternoon. He can't really see it and he can't hear much of it, but usually he doesn't even try to sit and enjoy it. So I was pleased he was out of bed today.

That's about all I know, so I am going to bed soon.


Candace said...

I've seen that little Kung Fu Panda dog before, haven't I? you know what? ... he's still cute!

Not to sound like a Pollyanna, but the subbing being like 7 dog hours to one hour human time... be glad it's not May Fly Time. In at 8, down for the count at the end of the day!
Take care. And where did you put that penguin??

Ірина Соломаха said...

i like this :-)