Thursday, July 10, 2008

And the Band Played on.....

Thank God for the rain.
Posting a rehearsal for Jonathan's wedding picture of Ian, Isabella, and Grayson (Brooke's niece)

Today is Thursday. I am to be at my work site by 9 AM to meet the people who will replace the windshield on my car. Although the office doesn't open until about 10, (about is the operative word.....they deal with people all over the world and 10 is an estimate). The windshield repair person said the car would have to remain still for about 2 hours after it was repaired. I am taking a folding chair to use if the car has to be vacated before the office opens. There is no coffee shop or anything similar in the area, so I will just have to figure it out.

After work Tuesday night, Dianne and I went up to visit Ian at camp. We arrived at supper time.. We only stayed a few minutes, he was in line to get his food. Even grandma's have to take a backseat to meal time at the camp. He did come out to the car to get his bag of goodies I packed for him. It wasn't a lot of stuff, but always welcome at camp. He hugged "Miss Dianne", gave me two good hugs and went back to the cafeteria.

We laughed all the way back down the mountain.We stopped at the retirement home to visit Dad. He wasn't in a mood to really wake up, so I didn't get to really talk to him.

Dianne and I stopped and got some dinner, but we ate so late, I couldn't go to bed for awhile when I got home. Another joy of growing "older."

I am packing boxes each day. I try to pack between 2 and 5. I figure that is a good rate to get me ready to move by the first of the month.

My summer job is winding down. I hope to finish my part by tomorrow, but know I may be called back to do some editing and such. I don't really mind doing that. It is not too far from my place now or later. Later it will be about a mile for me to drive to get there.

I guess that is all for today. Kinda boring, but it is my life.

1 comment:

Candace said...

Not boring at all. So I guess you found a place! Congrats.