Sunday, July 6, 2008

Sunday, Sunday

Not much to report today. I visited Dad yesterday, he was asleep. I have learned that if he is deeply asleep to not wake him up. He ends up confused for the rest of the day if he is awakened. I waited awhile, then left. The nurse said he was doing better and had been having a good day.

Isabella's birthday party was yesterday afternoon. It was a fun time. We ate at the Mellow Mushroom, opened presents, and then Dianne and I left. Will told us today that they found more bronze mice over the city than were on the list....That is what Isabella wanted to do for her fun thing at the party....have a scavenger hunt for the mice. She got her ears pieced for her birthday present from her aunt Vanessa. Very nice gift. They also got Leilani's ears pierced. I wish my photos would upload to the site, but so far they aren't letting me put photos on. Maybe I will figure it out tomorrow.

I will probably be working on figuring out what is wrong with the questions that didn't upload correctly. There were a few other small issues. I made a list of ones with problems, so tomorrow, we will take them off line and work on them....or rather, I will.
Have a good week.

1 comment:

Candace said...

Glad to hear the party went so well. Hope she got the b'day card, too.
