Thursday, June 12, 2008

Warning: this blog may put you to sleep.

Spent all morning sorting through business and such things. Just making phone calls, getting paperwork organized, and scanning/copying/printing so much related to some of the things I keep "juggling." I finished with those things about lunch time, so I went out and did 'some on the site' investigation.During this time, since I was in the 'hood, I also went by the son and dil's home that is being renovated. It is looking really good. The contractor thinks it is 'on time for completion,' I am hoping he is on target.
The grandkids came by last night after their program at church. They had a good time with their aunt and uncle, and grandma.
Last night we had some very noisy and busy storms that have broken the extreme heat wave. We needed the rain, but not the power being knocked off. We didn't lose power, but we lost tv and cable services until after we went to bed. When I was out earlier this afternoon, I noticed several trees in odd places. As in across houses, yards, and streets.
That's all, folks. I don't got no more to say today

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