Sunday, July 13, 2008

Nature day

I can't remember much what I did yesterday, but it took all day. By early afternoon I had to go to bed and try to get my stomach better. I had to miss a special event and that was disappointing, for me, anyway.
Today I had to leave a birthday party for the same stomach pain and discomfort. It's that Crohn's thing again.
Maybe I will get some shots from the party and shower from someone. Then I will share here.
The project is all but finished. When it gets uploaded, I will do some minor editing and it will be checked out and hopefully approved. Maybe a day or two more and it will be finished.
Disclaimer:Thanks for the nature shot, Brooke.

1 comment:

Candace said...

So sorry you felt poorly this weekend. What's that old saying, "Getting old ain't for sissies"?

Those nature shots are great, too.