Wednesday, April 30, 2008

"Mama Said there'll be days like this...."

You are my kind of duck....dead.
This has been a difficult day in more than one way. The test was at the wrong time...I had the wrong time written down. The tests had been could I have made such mistakes????
They couldn't get a vein to work for the contrast. I hadn't prepared for that test thinking it was on Thursday, I had not had enough fluids. I was verging on dehydration, so the tests will both be tomorrow. I have been drinking all kinds of things (Legal) since then.
I wanted to go to a presentation about Autism this afternoon, but really didn't feel like going. I got set to get ready twice, but sat back down and it is past time for the program now.
Dad had them call me from the nursing home. (They told me he had gotten out again today) He was begging me to come take him home...then, when I couldn't do that, he wanted to go to his mama's house.....All this is so hard to explain over and over. Arrrgh!! Anyway, I will try to go over tomorrow afternoon and hope he is more settled. If not, I will wing it..
I started reading a new book today, but don't remember the title right now. I had to stop reading "The Pleasure was Mine" it was good, but too close to home right now.
I moved a good many things around this morning. I have figured out that this room, the 'computer' room, has to be the "junk room" for a few weeks starting next week. I will never get everything placed until Brooke and Jonathan move into their new house.
So, let me go drink something else and run to the bathroom for the rest of the evening and night.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Things can get a little squirrely sometimes....

Who notices a little squirrel when you have all these puppies around you?

Okay, I can't work the rest of the week. I have a test every day the rest of the week. All of them are in the middle of the morning or day and it makes it impossible to even take half a day. The headaches are back, so I am hoping and praying that something shows up that will explain the headaches or at least let them know how to treat them. I will keep you posted on the results.
I worked around the house part of the day until the headache forced me to go back to bed. Then I got Ian and took him to his choir performance at a retirement home, to the church where the spring concert will be held Friday night, and then home. After that I went to my class at church. I didn't stay for the whole class. My head was hurting too much, so I came home. The meds are helping some.
Tomorrow's test is one I have about every other year. There is no prep to do for it, so that is okay. Thursday and Friday, the tests are new to me. One requires no prep. The other has clothing requirements....but it is not, "Clothing optional."
I just did some housework, cooked a bit, and did some things around here today. I am trying to make room for the rest of the family...ha! Can't wait until the granddogs come here to stay for most of the summer.
Nothing else going on that I can think Ciao!

Monday, April 28, 2008

And what did you see at the Louvre today?

I don't know. I think three cats would be in real trouble if I had come home to that kind of destruction.
I met with the retired teachers today. It was a group of six, but we had a good time.
I did some errands and then went to see Dad. He was having a terrible day. He had asked me to take him home 20 times within the first 10 minutes. I quit counting, but he didn't let up. He said he was so mad he could hit somebody.....I told him not to let it be me, cause I would go out and not come back for awhile....Sometimes desperate times call for desperate measures. When I got ready to leave, he followed me down the hall. One of the nurse/techs stopped him and talked to him a few seconds and I was able to turn the corner...I hated that. It just tore me to pieces inside.
I came home and took a late nap. So far I don't have a job for tomorrow, but the night is young. I can't work Wed. or Thursday because of the tests I am scheduled to take. I probably will make a sandwich and get my clothes ready in case I get a late call in the morning. That happens sometimes. Since today was a day out of school, I will only be able to work Tues. and Friday. I don't get to work in the summer, so I need to work as much as I can the next few weeks. Plus, I will be out several days for the wedding, so that is coming up.
Not much left to say tonight. Stay out of trouble if you can.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Sunday morning coming down.

Don't drink alone or eat ice cream alone. That's just too sad.

I took some time to play around on the computer last night. In playing around I mean, solitaire, tetris, scrabble. I was majorly bored.

I slept until about 7:15 this morning, but got up with a minor headache and a leg bothering me. Guess it is the weather.

The "cat that lives in the drain pipe" is hunting for something this morning. I thought maybe the rain had washed all sorts of kitty morsels out for her/him to eat. I don't know if the cat has a real home or not, but it is in that drain at the edge of my yard way too much to be at a real home.

Gotta call and get a haircut appointment. I have my dress and shoes for the wedding and stuff, so that is taken care of for now. Thanks GW for sending the economic stimulus out a bit sooner. Now, if it is just the maximum amount, I can afford to breath a bit the first of the month.

Sigh, this blog is even boring me. Maybe I will put another on later today after I have visited Dad.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Well that just stinks!

My internet has been off all day. I am glad it is back online. That stinks!
Boo! Hiss!

The game was fun and we had a good time. Our team lost by 8 points. It sounds more like a football score than baseball.
The kids ate enough food to feed the team. I told will to feed them some before bringing them....but I bet he didn't.

We especially liked the fireworks. I had not been for the Fireworks Fridays, so it was really impressive. Jonathan had told me that I would like it. I always took them around for fireworks displays on holidays when they were little kids. Kind of a family tradition thing, so I know they knew I would enjoy them. Isabella really loved them.
I got to work in the same class yesterday. I could hardly believe it. She and I work together as a good team. She told the kids yesterday, how much she appreciated that she and I respect each other. This occured after a student had asked me to do something (Don't remember what, and I thought it was probably okay), but I asked her first because she is the teacher. I told the kid that I had to ask the teacher because she is in charge of the room. She used that as a quick lesson on respect. She didn't dwell on it, just pointed it out to the students. This is her first job teaching, so she will do well.
I am still trying to figure out where to put things and "move over" so Jonathan can move here for a few weeks before the wedding and both after the wedding.
I am guessing that house won't be renovated until closer to the end of July, but I don't know all about that sort of thing.

Okay, I am hungry, and going to get something started in the kitchen.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Thursday and waiting for the weekend.

"Just so you know I am not asleep."

I worked today as an aide and wasn't pulled for another class. I am scheduled to be in the same room tomorrow. I am about to guess that won't happen again. Fridays are always hard to get enough subs...It is a tough group, but the teacher is young and up to the task. She and I have worked together before, and I enjoy working with her.
I visited Dad after school. It was not quite as bad a drive going as returning. We talked and mostly I kept having to answer his questions about going home and who was dead and alive. Not always a good visiting situation. He had gotten out the door yesterday, but they had walked him around the grounds and then brought him back inside and he was okay for the rest of the evening. That is so much different than at the other place. I pray that he doesn't do that in the middle of the night. I don't think he will, but I have been fooled about that before.
About the only tv program I try to watch during the week is "Are you Smarter than a 5th grader?" The guy this week has cracked me up. He has jumped all over the stage and off of the stage too. I sure hope he wins the million.
We are going to the Drive game tomorrow night. They have fireworks on Friday nights. I hope the kids get a snack before we get there. They get grumpy if they get hungry....Their grandma does too.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

And so it goes this Wednesday

So this is what they meant by "take a hike?"

Today was a good day. When I got to school, we went on a field trip. Such fun! We went to a nursing home and filled three flower pots with assorted flowers to go on the terrace. Then we ate our bag lunches there, cleaned up, and went to the animal shelter. The kids held puppies, petted dogs and kittens, and walked through the pet cemetery. We got back a bit after 2 PM. By the time we got in the class and everyone had a bathroom and water break, we watched part of a Volcano video and it was time to leave. It was fun.

I did take Michelle and the kids to school this morning. I got to my school for the day about 5 minutes before the bell rang. Ian had a field trip to Columbia and was to arrive back about 5. I got there just before the buses drove up. I had already gotten the little ones from the Y program there onsite at the school, so I took them home. Michelle had gotten another way home.

So I am subbing in another class for the next two days. Since I will only be able to work 2 days next week, I figured I had better take the jobs that are available.
I have figured that much more than 3 or 4 days a week(if one is an aide or half day) are too much like a real job.

This is the first day in a long time I have not had a headache. It has twinged a couple of times, but it has not throbbed on and on.
Thank God for that favor!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

So this is what Tuesday looks like from the end of the day.

I worked today and it went okay.
I am working tomorrow. Before I go to work I will go by and get the kids and Michelle and take them to school. Michelle hurt her leg muscle and is wearing a boot. Since it is her right leg- she doesn't drive left-footed--I will drive her tomorrow.
Then I will go to work . I am working as an aide, I have done this class before and loved it. I hope it is as fun tomorrow as before.
I picked up the kids after school today and got them dinner before driving them home. What a difference a full tummy makes for grumpy kiddos.

Have a good Wednesday.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Monday, Monday

And what do you do when you want to move your camel from here to there??
Today I did quite a bit of light housework...not really..mopping, vacuuming, moving things out of the closet in the spare room. You know, stuff.
Then I went over to the mall to look at something....can't remember what....I don't think I had been to the mall in about a year. In fact, I remember I went to the mall to get the kids a swim suit and trunks last year. So it has been close to a year.
Then I met Jonathan for lunch. He wanted me to take some money to the kids for a raffle they are having at school.
I had some time to look around in some shops around there before I went to get Ian at school. This was the last time I have to do that this year. That is a good thing...I am tired of losing a job for Monday every week.
I let him do his homework and play some on the game system, and then I took him to choir practice. I came home and took a shower and did some other stuff. That's all I did for today.
I am working tomorrow. Then next week I have one test on Wednesday (Middle of the morning, so I won't be able to work) and on noon????
Oh, well, I will get it all figured out.
Have a good evening.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

The day after.

The Lawn and garden shower for the soon to be marrieds (that is another new word I just made up) Was very nice. I had thought I would not know too many people, but it turns out I knew most of them. We had barbeque and it was good. I only ate a little because of the pain I was having earlier in the day. I didn't want to do anything to disturb the balance in my abdomen. I stood for over two hours and have only slight effect from that today, so that too, was good.
I got home about 10:20 and played games on here, then went to bed about midnight.
I visited Dad this morning and attended the Sunday School service with him. He was okay, not great, but okay. He really wanted to leave for awhile, but I had to keep telling him that the doctor wants him to stay there longer. He isn't supposed to be allowed to leave until he has been there for 90 days. Some kind of rule that Medicaid has. I have not heard from them, but figure I will soon enough.
I plan to read, do some housework, and sleep some this afternoon. That's the plan anyway.
The kids seemed to have had a good time last night. Ian got lots of entries for some thing his school is raffling. He was quite pleased. The two little girls that are going to be flower girls (both are nieces of the couple) decided to pretend they were already cousins. Isaac kept running around playing with the little brother of the girl cousin.
We did try a few lines of that old song about "Sandlapper" we mostly learned that the upstate kids mostly knew the song, but the ones from the sandhills didn't know the song at all. How is that for a farce?

Saturday, April 19, 2008

One more test result

Came in and now they are scheduling more tests. Seems the headaches are in my brain and not just "in my head." Some kind of vascular distortion is on the side that hurts so badly. Doc gave me some stuff for pain and some long term vascular pills for migraines, to see if that helped. I don't know if it will or not.

I picked up the grandsons, took them to dinner, and about half way through dinner, began to feel so bad, I could hardly stand it. The boys were goood, though, so I kept them all night.

I took them home early, I had thought Will was coming to get them early, but when no one answered the phone, or showed up for them, I took them home. I had things to do and places to go. Unfortunately, the rain canceled one or two things, so that may not be a bad thing.

True to the notice we received last week, the YMCA's scheduled run took place through our neighborhood this morning when I was leaving to take the boys home. A police car was ahead of the runners, so I had time to get out of the drive and into the street before the street was completely blocked.

This will be a busy weekend. I hope I feel better soon.

Thursday, April 17, 2008


This is not my pet or anyone's pet I know.
Too bad, it has a good idea.
I visited Dad this morning. He was asleep, and I waited for awhile, but he was resting so well, I didn't wake him up and left after awhile.
I didn't work today, obviously. I will be working tomorrow. Math class. It will be okay. I will fake it.
I am working on some writing pieces, and I am enjoying it. I hope I can get them done for what I want to use them for. ha!
Tomorrow is the regular Doctor's appt. I got to get some relief for my headaches. We shall see, I guess.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Good News

"Who me? I was just trying to help you. Whaddya mean? I can't climb up the dining room curtains, either. I only thought the ones in the den were off limits? I sorry. "
I got a response back from the cardiologist and my tests were within normal. Hurrah!
I left my book at the school where I subbed today. It was a fairly good day as subbing goes. I got another break as the teacher's planning period was at the end of the day. I got to go early.
Nothing much going on....Catch you later.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

All things penguin again.

I found a book today that tells how to make a penguin using origami. I want to check it out of the library. It is being used in a classroom at the school I subbed at today.

I will be working at a different school tomorrow. I do not go there as much, so I will be interested to see how things go.

Today's classes went well, and I got to leave at about 2:15. I like that in a sub job.
I stopped at Fresh market and got a couple of prepared foods. That will do for me for the rest of the week, mostly.
The granddogs spent the day here today and will be back later this week. They may get to spend the night. They like it here.

I am reading another "Miss Julia" book by Ann Ross. Fun and easy reading. I checked out "The Pleasure was Mine" today from the school library. I will read it as soon as I finish the "Miss Julia" book. I am about half way through it, and have put it down at least two other times, so I want to finish it this time. Brooke is going to let me read a book she has, so I will want to be free to read it.

Stay out of trouble, well, try.

Monday, April 14, 2008

cold Rainy Monday

Some of us are so cute we just can't stand ourselves, let alone anyone else.
I got this from some pics that someone sent me, thanks, whoever it was.

I volunteered at the kids school today, joined them for lunch (I didn't eat, but I sat with them while they ate.) Then I did a couple of errands, ate lunch myself, and returned to pick up Ian for Choir practice. I had to sit in the line for an hour. That stinks. I do get to catch up on reading and studying my Disciples lesson.
I did a bit of housework. Dad had them call me from Harveys. He was all confused and disoriented. He was okay, but confused and wanting to go home again. He was okay when I told him I couldn't come over today, but I would come to see him in a day or two.
I guess that is all. I am working tomorrow and Wed. Two different jobs, so I won't get too bored. ha!
I haven't heard from the tests yet, so I will post that when I am informed.

Okay, I am going to go to bed before I freeze.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Isaac: Past and Present

I just noticed these two shots in my pictures file and thought I would post them. Isaac at a few months old and recently as a big, old six year old.
His grandma thinks he is a doll....

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Another rainy Saturday.

So, we stayed inside and she played on the computer and I just did some things around the house. The dogs are home for a few days, so she was willing to come and visit her Grandma. We had a good time, but she wasn't too interested in playing board games like we often do, and it was too rainy to play outside, so the computer and tv got lots of attention.
Just a lazy Saturday morning and early afternoon.
She went home, and I am waiting around on some laundry to finish so I can fold it. Then I will be getting ready to go with some friends to celebrate a birthday for one of them.
Nothing going on in my little world that is very demanding...
I will probably visit Dad tomorrow. The weather is supposed to be chilly, but clear. We shall see.
I have been looking for a story I wrote several years ago. It was on a floppy disc and I thought on one of my websites, but I can't find it. In view of the things going on in Texas with the women and children of the religious sect. I will keep hunting it and hopefully find it.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Update for Friday.

Today was a good day working. The students were studying poetry, and it was just the second or third day they had been working on it. They had about 10 or 15 minutes that was more than enough time, so I taught my basic 'first' poetry lesson I used to teach. They listened and seemed interested. I hope their teacher doesn't get mad at me.
The dogs are 'away' for the weekend. They will be back one day and night this week while some kind of test is done at their place. They were glad to go home, though.
Isabella is coming over later to spend tonight. She said she couldn't come next weekend because she has "plans" to spend the night with a friend of hers. social butterfly....!
I will be back tonight or tomorrow. Don't wait for me, though.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Nothing much.

I worked in a class today as an aide. It was a good day.
Jonathan's house sold today. It was on the market 5 days. Believe it or not??
The dogs are still here with me...but they are being good. But they need lots of attention, and like for me to be here with them.
I am just going to hang around this afternoon and evening. I will be in a regular class tomorrow and it is Friday, not always a good combination.
Nothing else to say right now.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Okay, that is over.

I thought this was funny.

Okay, readers, you need to post comments. Even if it is just a "Hello"

I can see the numbers of people that are visiting, but not your names. Get over here and comment. I think you can click on comments....when it asks for your sign in name or whatever, put your yahoo, gmail, or other address in and most of them will 'go' and let you comment. If not, what do I know about blogging????

The test wasn't too bad, but the needle episode was very hard. She dug around in my arm for the vein, since it was deep and the needle was short. Now my arm feels like it is bruised inside.

I am working the net two days. Tomorrow I am supposed to be an aide, but I bet I will get pulled for another class. That happens sometimes.
Edy had to go to the "time out" mat today (her bed). She was eating plastic that she had scavenged from somewhere. It wasn't much, but she will eat it. I made her go to her bed, then I went out of the room and she got up and came after me. I made her go back and she stayed about 2 minutes. I was watching, so as soon as she was about to venture off the bed, I went in and called her back to the room with me and Maggie. And you thought Time Out was only for kids!
Enjoy your afternoon, I plan to do some serious sun soaking.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

End of the Day

The test was awful today. Actually, it could have been worse....give me a minute, I will think of how. I go back tomorrow for the pictures of my heart at rest...they said it takes two days at my age...Boo! Hiss!
The dogs are outside frolicking. (Ha!) That is the first time I remember ever having used that word. Looks funny, but I think it is spelled right. It is akin to picnicking. Another funny word...but a fun activity.

I washed dishes, swept the kitchen free of leaves and twigs and various leafy materials brought in by the frolicking dogs (2 times in one blog)....They will bring more in when they return inside.

I hope I get an easy job on Thursday. I got several personal requests for Friday, but I was already obligated to another I don't mind.

Hummmmm. I visited my Dad today after I went to his care meeting. I also went by and dropped more paperwork off at the Medicaid office. I am not sure I put everything down right. My brain was still scrambled from the test.

Sorry this is such a boring blog, but that is the way it goes....Oh, I can post a poem.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Penguin parade.
I worked today. It was an okay day.
The dogs are lying in front of the room door stretched out taking a nap. I put them out shortly after I got home and they have been outside since then. Maybe they will get to go home if someone buys the house soon. We can hope, can't we?
That is about it for me tonight.
Oh, I forgot I am having a test tomorrow all morning. I couldn't have caffeine for 24 hours, can't take the regular meds until after the test, other stuff too. But at least I don't have to do the test for the colonoscopy. Yeah!!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

What happened??

I hit the submit button and the whole blog disappeared.

I am putting up a picture of Maggie. She is 10 years old and doesn't care much for children. She leaves them alone....if they leave her alone. They like staying with me, and I usually enjoy them.
Currently the two dogs are taking a nap after having run around all over the back yard. They are "taking naps between their naps."
I am going to visit Dad today. Then I am planning to organize papers for turning in on Tuesday when I go over for his "care plan meeting."
I will blog about my Dad in a few days.
I will be working tomorrow, and then I will be off Tuesday for the tests at the doctor and the meeting, and dropping papers off at Medicaid office. That is a full day, anyway you turn it. I am dreading the non-running stress test on Tuesday, but it will be okay, I hope.
Later, Gator.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Another Saturday, Another Blog

It is raining today. Lots and lots of rain. Today my post is about granddogs instead of penguins.
My granddogs are visiting because my son is trying to sell his house. His and my future dil's dogs will be staying with me while the house is on the market. That way the realtor can show the house during the week while my son is at work.
This picture above was taken in the fall during a rainy weekend. As you can see, Edy, is wet and ready to bring a lot of rain and consequently, a mess into the house. I learned my lesson about this, so they will only go out for necessary trips. Tomorrow is supposed to be a good weather day, so maybe they can go out more.
I will post Maggie's picture on the next blog. I have several pictures of her. She is an older dog, so she doesn't get into as much trouble as Edy, who is much younger and lots more active.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Another day, Another penguin

The Easter penguin brings eggs and goodies to my place for the grandchildren.
Relax, he doesn't stay too long.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

This is my penguin blog for today.

One is here,another there.

They are running amuck all around

Party here, Crying there,

Feelings are tender, Fright abounds.

Out the door, Behind the tree

Yelping with anger, Mad at me.

Some try to hide, Others abide

Some rise above, All want to be free
Yes, that is the way I catch the birds

They don't fly And I don't run
Into the boxes, They have to go
Take a long nap, No more fun
They will be back, In white and black

To adorn my holiday, And keep me safe.
The end.

I have forgotten how the lines go, so it is a guess at best.