Wednesday, April 2, 2008

This is my penguin blog for today.

One is here,another there.

They are running amuck all around

Party here, Crying there,

Feelings are tender, Fright abounds.

Out the door, Behind the tree

Yelping with anger, Mad at me.

Some try to hide, Others abide

Some rise above, All want to be free
Yes, that is the way I catch the birds

They don't fly And I don't run
Into the boxes, They have to go
Take a long nap, No more fun
They will be back, In white and black

To adorn my holiday, And keep me safe.
The end.

I have forgotten how the lines go, so it is a guess at best.

1 comment:

Alicia Pilgrim said...

That is an amazing penguin?!?!?