Wednesday, April 30, 2008

"Mama Said there'll be days like this...."

You are my kind of duck....dead.
This has been a difficult day in more than one way. The test was at the wrong time...I had the wrong time written down. The tests had been could I have made such mistakes????
They couldn't get a vein to work for the contrast. I hadn't prepared for that test thinking it was on Thursday, I had not had enough fluids. I was verging on dehydration, so the tests will both be tomorrow. I have been drinking all kinds of things (Legal) since then.
I wanted to go to a presentation about Autism this afternoon, but really didn't feel like going. I got set to get ready twice, but sat back down and it is past time for the program now.
Dad had them call me from the nursing home. (They told me he had gotten out again today) He was begging me to come take him home...then, when I couldn't do that, he wanted to go to his mama's house.....All this is so hard to explain over and over. Arrrgh!! Anyway, I will try to go over tomorrow afternoon and hope he is more settled. If not, I will wing it..
I started reading a new book today, but don't remember the title right now. I had to stop reading "The Pleasure was Mine" it was good, but too close to home right now.
I moved a good many things around this morning. I have figured out that this room, the 'computer' room, has to be the "junk room" for a few weeks starting next week. I will never get everything placed until Brooke and Jonathan move into their new house.
So, let me go drink something else and run to the bathroom for the rest of the evening and night.

1 comment:

Candace said...

I heard "The Pleasure Was Mine" last summer on the radio every time I drove to and from Easley. Yes, it was difficult but really glad I heard it. The guy's Southern voice was perfect, too.
