Wednesday, April 23, 2008

And so it goes this Wednesday

So this is what they meant by "take a hike?"

Today was a good day. When I got to school, we went on a field trip. Such fun! We went to a nursing home and filled three flower pots with assorted flowers to go on the terrace. Then we ate our bag lunches there, cleaned up, and went to the animal shelter. The kids held puppies, petted dogs and kittens, and walked through the pet cemetery. We got back a bit after 2 PM. By the time we got in the class and everyone had a bathroom and water break, we watched part of a Volcano video and it was time to leave. It was fun.

I did take Michelle and the kids to school this morning. I got to my school for the day about 5 minutes before the bell rang. Ian had a field trip to Columbia and was to arrive back about 5. I got there just before the buses drove up. I had already gotten the little ones from the Y program there onsite at the school, so I took them home. Michelle had gotten another way home.

So I am subbing in another class for the next two days. Since I will only be able to work 2 days next week, I figured I had better take the jobs that are available.
I have figured that much more than 3 or 4 days a week(if one is an aide or half day) are too much like a real job.

This is the first day in a long time I have not had a headache. It has twinged a couple of times, but it has not throbbed on and on.
Thank God for that favor!

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