Monday, April 21, 2008

Monday, Monday

And what do you do when you want to move your camel from here to there??
Today I did quite a bit of light housework...not really..mopping, vacuuming, moving things out of the closet in the spare room. You know, stuff.
Then I went over to the mall to look at something....can't remember what....I don't think I had been to the mall in about a year. In fact, I remember I went to the mall to get the kids a swim suit and trunks last year. So it has been close to a year.
Then I met Jonathan for lunch. He wanted me to take some money to the kids for a raffle they are having at school.
I had some time to look around in some shops around there before I went to get Ian at school. This was the last time I have to do that this year. That is a good thing...I am tired of losing a job for Monday every week.
I let him do his homework and play some on the game system, and then I took him to choir practice. I came home and took a shower and did some other stuff. That's all I did for today.
I am working tomorrow. Then next week I have one test on Wednesday (Middle of the morning, so I won't be able to work) and on noon????
Oh, well, I will get it all figured out.
Have a good evening.

1 comment:

Candace said...

Don't you love these shots of these Eastern Europeans moving all kinds of stuff around in their cars, wagons etc.? Too funny.

Sounds like you are up and down, round and round, keeping busy but forced to have downtime too. Fingers crossed for health issues.