Saturday, May 31, 2008

Kids at the wedding and such

Well, this first one isn't of the wedding, but the kids are going fishing today, so I put a shot of the fish Ian caught on another fishing trip.

This one just cracks me up. Look at Isaac's feet. How do kids do that? Flexible I guess.

The kids were pretending to climb a Palmetto tree. Grayson and Asher were at the beach house and that gave the tree a hard time. Ha!

I think the flower girls were doing a toast in this shot. I don't know who the little boy is that is sitting beside them, but he was all interested in what they were doing.

I couldn't remember if I had put this on before, so I put it on now.

This is the Saturday of Marie's "kick off to summer brunch." Wish my head didn't hurt so much. It is the head cold causing the most discomfort. After the brunch I will go over to visit Dad. NO, before that I will come by home and let the dogs go out. I am really worrying about Maggie. She doesn't seem to be getting much better, but she does seem a little less lethargic. The dogs were worn out last night. They had stayed outside all day. I put their water and food on the deck and left them when I went to work. They were asleep and hardly moved the rest of the evening.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Assorted pictures from the wedding

Just some shots of the wedding and such. I had some already loaded and something happened to them.
The dogs seem to be better today. I have decided that Maggie was the sick one. Now I have this head cold. No fun!
Tomorrow I am working. I had this job scheduled for several weeks.
Dad called yesterday. The nurse or CNA told me that he needs larger size pants. I hope that he has some large enough. They keep telling me how much he likes to snack. I guess that could be good. He got on the phone and asked me to come get him and take him home. This has been going on for a couple or more weeks. Usually this theme goes away, but something takes its place. I had hoped to go over today since I will be busy tomorrow, but my head was hurting too much to drive that distance.

And the music plays on...

Okay, I am going to try to get the photos on this blog again. If I cannot, I will do another one. Just like this one was supposed to be...I think

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Family and Friends enjoy the Wedding.

Ian, Candace, Tia

Diana, Paul, Linda, and Monty.
I finally figured out how Ian got in all these shots. The little ones were back with the wedding party, and Ian was sitting with the general guests since he was the soloist.
More tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

A beautiful place to be.

The plantation

The beautiful sky and all that is in it.

A couple of kids showing off the beautiful trees and backyard of our house. Grayson and Asher, the cousins of the kids. The ocean and all that it shows is fun and beautiful. Such a happy time.
More pictures tomorrow.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Back in town

Chapter one of the Fairy Tale Picture Book Wedding.

The groom's cake...shaped like an ice cream sandwich. Jonathan's favorite.
Cutting the groom's cake.

More later. I gotta work tomorrow. That means I have to get some sleep.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Rambling Rose....where you been?

This was in the news a few days ago and I have been meaning to post it. I laugh and laugh when I see it.

Not being too political minded, I am not making a statement, just sharing something that makes me laugh.

Things are very busy. I have things to do, but since I am waiting on time to do something else, I decided to do a short post.

We are leaving in the morning. I haven't started packing yet, but I have gathered some things together that we will need.

Edy is in for trouble when Jonathan gets home. She has been dragging things out of the dirty clothes and planting them around the house. She will be so sorry for that.

I did errands this morning, visited Dad, took care of a couple of bills, had the car washed, and such, had lunch with Monty and Linda, and came home and began getting things done. Okay, the buzzer went off, so I am off and running again....

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

"And the days dwindle down....."

This is how I am feeling right about now.

Our last Disciples class was great. The food was especially wonderful. I have to think about some of the things we talked about tonight. I usually do think about these things anyway.

I didn't work today, so I tried to get a few things done so I can be a little less stressed on Thursday.
Tomorrow is the busiest day for getting things done ahead.

I probably will go visit Dad tomorrow. He won't remember that I will be away for a few days, but I need to remind him anyway.

My leg was giving me fits this morning when I got up, actually, before I got up. About the best way to describe the pain is it feels like an ice pick is being stuck in my knee, but to the side of it. It is the leg that I have fallen on several times over the last couple of years. There is still a small amount of fluid in the front of the knee, but the pain is on the side. I took some tests a couple of weeks ago, but I probably won't get a report on it until I go in for my scheduled appt. next week.

Okay, I guess it is getting close to bedtime...

Monday, May 19, 2008

"Let's get physical, physical, let me hear your body talk..."

Poor kitty, she didn't want to pose today. Most of the time, when I put animals on my blog and do not identify the animal, it is usually because I got it in an email, and I did not take the photo.

I had a good situation working today. The absent teacher is the writing lab instructor. The end of the year tests were being given, so I didn't have to be in the lab. I went into the library and asked for something work on...They did. I enjoyed checking in the class sets of books, DVDs, and videos, and also finishing and making the signs for the students to hold tomorrow at the baseball game. I worked through my planning period, then left an hour early and did some errands.

Nothing else much to report. Jonathan picked up his suit today and it is a beautiful fit. Will got his today too, but I have to assume that it fits well also.

I blocked out my working days from Wednesday through Friday. I have gotten one call tonight, but it was as an aide in a school I haven't been to this year, so I was not willing to put myself through a new experience at this point in the year. Oh, well.

Until next time.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Just stuff

This picture made me laugh. I think whoever did it probably tweaked it with some kind of photo program, but I still love it.

This has been a busy day. I have done very well in keeping up with everything.
Dad was okay yesterday, but not great. i thought his breathing was a bit labored, so I asked them to check it and they said it was okay.
Ian was baptized today. Jonathan, Brooke and I gave him a bible that had been engraved with his name. He seemed to be very proud and pleased with it.
My headache got me up early this morning, but not as early as it has been in the past. About an hour or so later, I went back to bed and made up the lost sleep. Of course, by then the tylenol had eased the pain some, so I got to sleep more.
We went on to the church--Jonathan and I--and got a good seat..ha! Near the front!
Esther had lunch at her house, so I stopped and got a few things to go with what she had prepared. I had a good time and left so I could go to the ceremony for the Eagle Scout.
Jonathan and I put the grill on the deck tonight. It wasn't too bad, but of course, I didn't do the moving. I did have the idea of moving it up the two boards left from building the deck last summer. That worked great, and I was at the top to get it onto the deck. Jonathan made the turkey burgers, and I did the deviled eggs and other stuff.
Okay, that is enough in the exciting world of my boring life.

Saturday, May 17, 2008


Gives new meaning to "What's in your drawers/wallet/fridge" ad campaign.
This is a disclaimer: someone sent this photo to me.

IT is one week to the wedding. This is a busy weekend however I turn it. Ian will be baptised tomorrow, one of my favorite former students will receive his Eagle BoyScout badge tomorrow, and lots of other things going on here and there. I will probably visit Dad today about midday.
One of the ladies from his church contacted me about his new address. I thought I had left a message about it, but I guess I didn't or perhaps it didn't get passed on to the right people. Anyway, she got the info to send the card to me from someone in the church that I had sent a condolence to over the online guest book. I send those now when it is someone that I know Dad would have gone to the service or to pay his respects. Usually I know them too, but it is just what I think should be done.

I worked 3 days the past week. Right now I am scheduled for one day the upcoming week. I may work on Tues. or Wed. if I get a call. We will be leaving on Thursday morning, so the rest of the week is booked. A lady at school yesterday asked about those two days, but I had to turn her down. She is doing something and said she may wait until the next week and do it Tues.-Thurs. I have a gig for Friday the 30th already planned for someone's class.

Brooke and I had manicures and pedicures last night. I hadn't had one in nearly a year, so that was a welcome treat. I had my hair trimmed and such earlier this week. Life goes on this week.

Here comes my brown graddog, so I guess I had better let them out for awhile. Catch u later.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Busy, busy,busy

I don't know who is the little stinker that did this photo.

Life is very busy right now, but things are okay. I worked today, but didn't get a call until late, but needed to do it..It went okay. I had to give the PACT test, but I had taken the training, so that went well.

Dad was good yesterday, still wanting to leave and 'go home,' but otherwise he was okay. I had taken him some summer short sleeve shirts and I think they are already using them.

I may be kind of absent from time to time for the next couple of weeks, but don't worry. They wedding is next week, so that will require some extra away time.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Gotta love Tuesday

It was so hard getting out of bed this morning, just check out the picture of me getting out of bed...ha. I didn't make this shot, one of my friends sent it to me.

The kids, Will and Michelle took me out to supper at McAlisters last night. We had a nice relaxing time. We are making plans and such for next weekend.
Brooke's family has changed their reunion date somewhat to coincide with the wedding. Seems that they always make photos with different colored shirts and blue jeans according to the family group. That sounded like a good idea for us to do at the beach too. I told you all that to let you know I can wear jeans if that is what they want to do...jeans and tee shirt. My group may opt for jeans or maybe white pants or shorts. That would work too. ha!
I only got one call this morning for an elementary school aide, but it was a good distance from here, and the call was late. So I passed on it.
I have done a load of laundry and mopped part of the kitchen already this morning. I have found it is better to divide the kitchen into two parts to mop.
Today may be a good day to visit Dad since there is no rain in the forecast, and tomorrow I may get a working call.
Edy is sleeping on the sofa, Maggie is on the floor, and the tv is blaring. maybe a nap is calling me too.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Another work week...Monday, Monday

wonder what happened to this little fellow? I didn't make this shot and don't know this doggie. Someone sent the picture to me.

I had a half decent day working today. I would put the ones that started disruption out of class into another teacher's room to do their work. When I did this, the rest of the kids would go in my direction. ha!
I did get another sub job for next Monday. That was worth the work for me.

Let's see. Dad had the nurse call me yesterday to come over. I told her that I had been there Saturday, so I couldn't come for a few days. That's just how things are.

I was treated to a Brunch yesterday for Mother's Day and a gift for a nail salon. I have a dinner appt. for tonight as a late Mother's Day gift. That works for me.

The dogs wouldn't go any farther than the deck when I came in this afternoon. I think the wind scared them. Ha!

I guess nothing else is going on right now. That is a good thing, I am guessing.

Maybe more later.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

A bit of time

" The Harlem Globetrotters agent called, I told them you were busy..."

I have spend the night company, yes, She is wanting to sleep on the sofa tonight. She also is trying to convince Edy, the dog, to sleep on the sofa too. They are much better friends than when she first arrived this afternoon. ISabella got into trouble at the park. So I gave her a list of consequences for not minding me....She chose what I thought was the hardest one, but she thought of it before I did and she probably figured since it was her punishment, she would be in charge of it. She chose skipping a turn staying over night with me. Since it is close to summer, she won't suffer as much....I guess.
She also has chosen to sleep on the sofa tonight. Just like the boys do when they stay over. I guess they all grow up. Her lastest expression about almost everything is...."That's just a figure of speech.." She knows how to use it and what it means, so I find her frequent use of that term amusing.
She is all about the wedding, so that is exciting for her. Ian is all practiced and seems ready to do his part. Isaac, well, he just goes with the flow.

I visited Dad today. He said he was resting so he could go to work tonight. He also said he was thinking about giving up his job, it is getting hard for him to keep up. He was all into how old I am and he is. This is much better for him to be confused about than his not knowing why he can't go home.

I have jobs for Monday and Friday this coming week. I don't know how working will turn out for me since these next two weeks are PACT weeks. I will find out.

I stayed busy today and did some things around here. Unpacked the car, mostly, washed dishes and some clothes, cleaned bathroom, swept, just regular housekeeping kind of stuff. So, that is all for tonight.
Happy Mother's Day tomorrow is the day!! Enjoy it.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Much ado about nothing...

What kind of barbeque do you prefer? I had always wondered why we learned this in high school social studies. I was hunting something the other day and read a bit about it and discovered.....amazingly....why we learned about this in high school. It is about immigration and culture...Yes, I had to think about that also. Depending on the group of immigrants that settled a region, the difference in the barbeque they brought to this state. There is some blurring of the regions, of course, and as time passes, they blur even more. I make mine with a ketchup base, but then...what do I know?
I was pulled for another teacher's class today. Not as good, but I managed. I only had to do one test today at the doctor's office....just the smash and mash test. Then we had a great time at the ballgame. Wonderfully relaxing, in fact.
Now, where is my stimulus the mail??? ha! I doubt it.
Jonathan and I have to decide what we are going to use for our "dance" at the wedding. I don't care. I suggested a slower dance...but then, you never know with him.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Finally, things are moved enough!

This picture is over a year old, but I really like it. It shows Ian being Ian..ha! I do not know how I got so many clowns for sons and grandsons.
I moved stuff today. Jonathan moved mega things all day and evening.
I think they did the walk-through this afternoon late. I know Jonathan hasn't heard anything negative so far. No news is good news, right? So the signing is tomorrow at 10:00. I hope that U-Haul is out of my driveway so I can go to work.

I am working tomorrow for a resource teacher. I will be okay and hopefully not too tired. I have another set of tests after school, neither of them involve needles....then our family (8 of us) are going to the
ballgame. Friday nights are awesome because of the fireworks.
Jonathan, Brooke, and I went to Red Robin hamburgers for dinner tonight. We were all just about exhausted.
We still have things to figure out a place for them for a few weeks, but everything is mostly sheltered for the time being.

The wedding is 16 days away. I listened to some of the prelude wedding music in the car....awesome, I love it. I saw Brooke's bridal portrait today. Well, actually, I saw the blackberry version of the portrait. Very beautiful, but small. I will love seeing the larger version.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Doggone it!

Don't ask. I do not know what Will was doing, but I do know what is showing...his tonsils. I am enjoying having people in the house again. I know it is only for awhile, but I am loving it.
Tonight something flew by the door and a blood curdling "Toy" yell started.
Jonathan had a monkey, yes, monkey, slingshot and shot it down the hall so the dogs would chase it.
He and I had more fun than the dogs did. They chase it, but don't fetch it.
The signing for selling his house is Friday. He (and all the rest of us too) will be glad when it is over.

Today was a good day subbing. I always have an enjoyable day with this class. I was the teacher today, though. Usually I get to be the aide. I got to meet the lady I have been subbing for today. The principal invited me to go to the teacher appreciation luncheon today. It was nice and I enjoyed it.

I am not working tomorrow. I decided to rest since I have a gig on Friday. I need to work, but if I overdo it, I will be too tired when we go to the wedding and I will end up sick...again.
That is it for today.

I gotta go move stuff around.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Commentary on the previous post.

Call Roz. Tell her to check the previous post. I don't know what happened, but I was too fascinated to try to change it.

I will be subbing in the autism class tomorrow. It is a good situation. Today was a good day subbing also. I didn't get too tired. Guess I needed that time off.

I have a gig for Friday, Monday, and next Friday. I was happy to get the days for next week. Maybe I will get more since I took the Pact training.

Okay, below is a poem I wrote quite some time ago. I am posting it to make up for the Elvis fiasco.

History of the poem. Terry and I (Terry is dead now, I miss him so much, He was British, BTW) had several writing contests. Sometimes we would just challenge each other. Very long story. Anyway, He said something to the effect about him being only "Half the writer you are..." So that was the idea and it took me about 10 minutes to throw this together at the same time he and I were on IM to each other. We would try to write in each other's writer's "voice." This sounds so fake to me with the British terms, but then his would sound so fake Americanized. We had fun.

This half bottle of wine has gone to my head,
I gotta get up now and get to my bed.

The room is spinning, or maybe it's me,
Oh, man, it just can't be half past three.

My dinner was done, more than half burned.
My stomach is beginning to rumble and churn.

The floor is not level or flat anymore,
The carpet is blocking half of the door.

If I could half see the way things pan out,
I would have left the wine, of that there's no doubt.

Oh, Geez, I'm in trouble, here comes a cop,
I think I'm half lit, Where's a good place to stop?

If I could get up and walk to the stairs,
Maybe I could half fool them by putting on airs.

Someone moved the sofa and the table, too.
Wow! They moved half the house, now what will I do?

I can just sit right here outside in the rain.
But then they will think, I have only half a brain.

"What's that you say? What do you mean by that?"
"How can I be half drunk? I don't even live in this flat!

Busy day, not much to say.