Saturday, May 31, 2008

Kids at the wedding and such

Well, this first one isn't of the wedding, but the kids are going fishing today, so I put a shot of the fish Ian caught on another fishing trip.

This one just cracks me up. Look at Isaac's feet. How do kids do that? Flexible I guess.

The kids were pretending to climb a Palmetto tree. Grayson and Asher were at the beach house and that gave the tree a hard time. Ha!

I think the flower girls were doing a toast in this shot. I don't know who the little boy is that is sitting beside them, but he was all interested in what they were doing.

I couldn't remember if I had put this on before, so I put it on now.

This is the Saturday of Marie's "kick off to summer brunch." Wish my head didn't hurt so much. It is the head cold causing the most discomfort. After the brunch I will go over to visit Dad. NO, before that I will come by home and let the dogs go out. I am really worrying about Maggie. She doesn't seem to be getting much better, but she does seem a little less lethargic. The dogs were worn out last night. They had stayed outside all day. I put their water and food on the deck and left them when I went to work. They were asleep and hardly moved the rest of the evening.


Maria Sondule said...

Nice blog!

Candace said...

This is a great post, a little of this and that and some great photos too. That weekend was really great but I know you are happy it's over and done with.
