Saturday, May 10, 2008

A bit of time

" The Harlem Globetrotters agent called, I told them you were busy..."

I have spend the night company, yes, She is wanting to sleep on the sofa tonight. She also is trying to convince Edy, the dog, to sleep on the sofa too. They are much better friends than when she first arrived this afternoon. ISabella got into trouble at the park. So I gave her a list of consequences for not minding me....She chose what I thought was the hardest one, but she thought of it before I did and she probably figured since it was her punishment, she would be in charge of it. She chose skipping a turn staying over night with me. Since it is close to summer, she won't suffer as much....I guess.
She also has chosen to sleep on the sofa tonight. Just like the boys do when they stay over. I guess they all grow up. Her lastest expression about almost everything is...."That's just a figure of speech.." She knows how to use it and what it means, so I find her frequent use of that term amusing.
She is all about the wedding, so that is exciting for her. Ian is all practiced and seems ready to do his part. Isaac, well, he just goes with the flow.

I visited Dad today. He said he was resting so he could go to work tonight. He also said he was thinking about giving up his job, it is getting hard for him to keep up. He was all into how old I am and he is. This is much better for him to be confused about than his not knowing why he can't go home.

I have jobs for Monday and Friday this coming week. I don't know how working will turn out for me since these next two weeks are PACT weeks. I will find out.

I stayed busy today and did some things around here. Unpacked the car, mostly, washed dishes and some clothes, cleaned bathroom, swept, just regular housekeeping kind of stuff. So, that is all for tonight.
Happy Mother's Day tomorrow is the day!! Enjoy it.

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